Pastoral Reflection 10.25.15

Today's passage is all about how we experience God through his Word. Many people have no idea how to get the most out of their Scripture reading though. Here is a simple plan shared with those one the retreat this weekend for studying the Scripture and experiencing God through it. We're going to study Colossians chapter 1 using a method taught by Tim Keller in a course he taught at RTS.

Open your Bible & read Colossians 1:1-14. Read it 3 or 4 times, slowly. When a thought or word catches your attention, stop and thank God for it.

Now, list out 3 things: 

1) everything the passage tells you about God.
2) everything it tells us about us or me.
3) examples to follow or avoid, commands to obey, promises to claim.

Finally, answer these two questions:

1) How would I be different if this truth was explosively alive in my inner most being?
2) Why is God showing you these particular things today?

End in prayer, thanking God for the things you saw today. Confessing sins & praying for friends and family.

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