Pastoral Note 2.7.16

What are your big questions about the Christian faith? Many of us struggle to reconcile science and the bible or God’s love and God’s wrath. These types of issues are important and to help answer them we are starting a new series next Sunday called Questioning Christianity. Each week we will focus on a common question people have…

·      February 14  Isn’t the Bible just a myth?
·      February 21  How can you say there is only one way to God?
·      February 28  What gives you the right to tell me how to live my life?
·      March 6       Why does God allow evil and suffering?
·      March 13      Why is the church responsible for so much injustice?
·      March 20      How can God be full of love and wrath at the same time?
·      March 27      What difference does the resurrection make?

In order to make the most of our Community Groups during this series we are taking on a unique approach. Each week CG’s will watch a short Tim Keller video where he introduces the topic of the week and discusses it with several non-Christians. After the video the CGs will interact with the topic allowing everyone an opportunity to share. The topic will then be the subject of the sermon on the following Sunday. This strategy allows for everyone to share their views in a safe environment and reflect on the topic before listening to a sermon on it.

This series and our CG strategy provide a unique opportunity to connect with those who have big questions about Christianity. Please be in prayer for the new series and consider inviting a non-Christian friend to visit your CG or a Sunday gathering.

Grace and peace,
Pastor Bland

Bland Mason